I just received the You tube link of this wonderful evening from Maitri Somaia, the director and producer of the video for this the poetry recital evening in Dubai.
So many scenes come to mind, not only the beautiful comments the people made, but also the powerful looks they had supported me with during the recital.
On another level I was reminded of the times I had written each of these poems.
The awareness of each breath in the jail cell I was never in.
The sound of the Azan in the depth of my heart as i traverse many lands with no mosques and also the sym card that connects us all, and yet, separates us all as human beings not looking into each others eyes.
What a night, what a life, what a glance, what a wink of an eye…. releasing moments and letting the stardust sit on my shoulder as i wonder what life has in store for me with the new year coming.
If you were at the recital, here are a couple of moments to remember the evening by and if you are not here is a glimpse into the jail cell i shared with others one night in Dubai on December 14th 2011.
I wish I had been there myself to partake in this beautiful recital. Maybe one day soon, you will bring it to the states. You are such an eloquent speaker. You are such a soulful writer. You are such a beautiful spirit. The cell empty of light resonates in my being with its’ power to move and remove me from one consciousness to another and back. That is the true gift of a writer. I love the way the room looked like a jail cell. I love the poems recited. I love what the audience members shared on and about your writing. I love the intermixing of music and poetry and light. You are magnificent. The recital was magnificent. Thanks for sharing it with me. I really hope you will soon have some recitals in America soon where I can attend and see in person as you wave your magic wand and sprinkle your fairy dust of light and love over your audience, putting a spell of enlightenment over those listening to your words and hearing your heart.
The magic fairy dust wand, how beautiful….
May we all be touched by the magnificent glory of light…
Light can be found in the depth of a dark forest as it reveals itself in the shape of a single pearl…
Light can be found in the jail cell, the space can be as small as our bodies or as large as the universe…
The space can feel like a cage or it can feel like a net of light holding each of our breaths…
I do hope to come to America with my words, and to do recitals, like everything else in life when the time is right…
I like knowing you will be in the audience to capture the essence of the words you have helped to flight…
Thank you for being a cell mate with me… for these moments of life. Thank you
quoted :”If only I would asleep so fast to the realities of life,
Maybe I would not lie awake night after night.”
Bahareh and her literally work -a true definition of beauty and beauty in its perfect sense, total awesomeness in the most important sense of that word. My eyes well up every time I listen to you, this being the GodKnowsWhatiethTime today. As far as inspiration is concerned, Bahareh, you are the best thing that ever happened to me. A star shining so bright that even the moon forgets to report for duty.
It is true that in life we find ourselves as caged birds, surrounded by circumstances that turn us to inmates, but with determination , destiny can be achieved and a beam of light can shine through the windows of the cells, our circumstances notwithstanding. Words of truth, words of power, from you, angel of light , angel of truth.
How big would I have to smile to reach your heart. I think you feel the warmth of my heart. I am humbled by your words, and yet I take no credit for my words. I know I am only an instrument of light and as long as I remember and breathe that, I will be able to find light in hearts like yours.
Thank you for your presence of heart. And thank you for reminding me that instruments of light are everywhere to be found: in blogs, in jail cells and in the depth of our hearts.
Your words are to all of us like salt to food. I am so proud of you, all your work is as clear as crystal, so heart oriented, so warm. Thank you. Thank you for doing all these for all of us. Love you so much.
Dear Dear friend, the thanks always remains for the mirror that is held up to us. I am delighted that your heart is warmed by these light filled words. I am only a voice and i love yours. Thank you