The excerpts on this particular blog were written March of last year. Every now and then I go back to my faithful journals and I pick one up to read…. to touch to breath…. On this day, January 13th 2012, I reached for a journal called the Raw Truth. Please consider for a moment in your mind what you consider truth to be before you start reading my thoughts.
I would be great full to hear yours as comments.
(3/11/11 2:08 am)
When one thinks of Raw generally the image attached to it is not so nice.
Raw Soar
Raw Meat
Raw eggs
There is however something incredibly pure and light about Raw Truth.
The Raw Truth does not come in a fancy package with an orange bow on top nor does it arrive in a carriage with 12 white horses and a courier dressed in black lace.
The Raw Truth just arrives.
Like the arrival of a baby after 9 years of trying.
This baby arrives passport in hand and can not speak her mother tongue yet.
The mother runs and greets her child.
This is the sudden arrival of truth.
There are other sudden arrivals.
Like the day the father was digging the grave of his own son who had taken his own life because he thought he had shamed his father by being born a homosexual.
Who is shamed and whose ideas should have been buried long ago.
And who is to say what is the truth and who tells the lies.
Not even in a confessional booth does the child tell his tale of rape by the priest to the priest.
They both know the raw and painful truth of wrongful pleasures in the house of God.
And the cold truth of being held in someones arms who feels nothing and pushes back your life.
You give endlessly to the iceberg but the volcano that does not erupt leaves no ashes behind.
I am alive in a vessel.
The vessel is my body. Full of bones, veins, blood, cartilage, liver, lungs and all and yet this vessel is completely empty.
Empty of desire, empty of despair, empty of knowledge, full of empathy and full of empty.
(This journal continues for another hundred or more verses, and this is the last verse):
And the time has come for me to close my eyes and witness the bare truth of my in regard to my identity.
If I were to justify my being today as a poet, as a person, as all the wonderful wonders you have instilled in me, I would remain speechless.
How can I describe myself when there is no self.
So in all fairness if I wanted to describe what I have felt in your presence just tonight.
I have felt a stream of Light.
I have felt a quiet seat in light and
have felt bare of desire accept for that of Light.
I can connect
I can visualize
I can vocalize
I may help stabilize, equalize and open eyes.
I bare light
I bare weight
I Breath and
This I know as what is true and Raw.
the truth : must be preceisely guarantee information or visual to be believed by others or public.
Indeed I agree with you….. but perhaps for me truth must be most visual in the depth of my soul. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Look forward to hearing more from you.
Truth can be lived forever with its power and dignity…
Yes, indeed you are right. May I ask you what you really think of TRUTH. Is there an absolute. To be truthful is power. And in dignity I find truth. Thank you for making me think more about truth.
Oh my God. This is one of my favorite poems. It is so poignant. It is so clear and raw and powerful. It made me gasp and sigh. The way you understand yourself, the world, God, and truth with so much clarity and insight is remarkable and amazing. You make me think and rethink and revise all that I thought I knew to be true. Your words bring me closer to the raw truth I have hidden inside the linings of my inner walls and eyes. Thank You for the gift of sight and insight. Keep writing and growing and shedding your light upon me and my world. I need it and seek it so vehemently. I bow in awe to your talent and your beautiful soul.
Yes, I know what you mean. For me myself coming from such a traditional culture and family, I sometimes amaze myself with the voice I have found. I see, I sit and I write. I am so happy to know that the rawness of the words has touched you so. I bow in awe to your talent and your beautiful soul. For you and I are one, we come from THE ONE, and we will return to ONE.