I wrote this piece mid November in honor of
Suu Kyi coming out of house arrest.
Little did I know that just 2 months later
she would be registering for elections.
In peace and light I wrote:
This morning as I woke up
I was aware of waking up in a space called home
The beauty of this space was and is
that I am free to leave its parameters at any time
Being kept under detention in your own home may indeed feel
like one’s soul and spirit is caged
Today I honor Dan Aung San Suu Kyi for keeping the flowers fresh
not only in her eyes but the petals of which touch every one
of her country men that stand by her as she leads a non violent revolution
She calls for such a drastic change versus incremental evolution
I; today honor a being who wants to change values not only regimes
She says she wants long term change, a sound foundation for change
This change can start here today for each of us with looking with in
while breathing and walking freely about our life
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