To write about death, one must first define death.
Is death simply when we stop breathing or is it in fact when we stop living.
I would like to acknowledge that I have experienced my own death, I do not mean an out-of-body experience, but more so, I mean an out-of-state of mind experience. Not being present is death for me.
I have died, and I have been born, not only 44 years ago, but time after time with each sunset whose fire puts ablaze each and every strand of hair on each and every creature in the sea.
Death from the eyes of the person who is dying
Since the moment I came to this world, I knew there had to be a time that I would go.
For some around me, this has been a slow death, one breath by one breath as each cigarette was lit and each ash was dropped to the ground.
For others it has been a long death of being alone with out a soul to call upon on their death-bed and to their side when it is time for washing the body of its sins to put into the ground.
There is the sudden death, in a car accident, or just a call, as if one’s time had come and one had to answer the call. A heart attack, a stroke and no good byes.
This may be the hardest for those around, but indeed it is the easiest way out of the cage and into flight.
So as the dying person might think or want to say to those around, please do not hold on to my being for I am ready for flight. Sit with me, but do not hold me.
Hold my hand, but do not try to hold the life that is ready to depart.
Just sit with me. Can you just sit with me.
Thank you
Death from the eyes of the person who is sitting next to the dying
Why are you going so early, it is not time yet. But I guess it is never time, you have suffered long days and nights and i should be happy for your flight.
I ask you one thing and only one thing, please come to my dream once and tell me of your where abouts.
I guess I want to know where I am heading. Is it as peaceful as they say, or is it as hot in hell as is depicted in the holy books.
I will remain next to you, do not fear, I will miss you, but I will release you.
Death from point of view of the Universe
I knew 22 years ago, when you were born that today was the day of return
I knew 44 years ago, when you were born that today was the day of return
I knew 88 years ago, when you were born that today was the day of return
Ashes to ashes dust to dust. With each birth the cycle flows and with each death the cycle continues to flow. The ebb and flow of the beauty of life and death.
In speaking of life and death, it is not as if I have forgotten about suicide and homicide, but indeed, I have not much to say about taking a life, may it be your own or other’s lives. I would just say, I hope in such a state, may a person just stop for a minute and consider a grin on a child’s face or a wrinkle on an old man’s face and then take a breath and take another breath and know that the next one after that is a gift and nothing but a gift.
Very deep and soul-stirring poetry. This is my favourite:
“There is the sudden death, in a car accident, or just a call, as if one’s time had come and one had to answer the call. A heart attack, a stroke and no good byes.
This may be the hardest for those around, but indeed it is the easiest way out of the cage and into flight.”
Keep up the good work!
Thank you for reading INTO the words and hearing the meaning. Death is a beautiful call only if we know what we are listening for.
Thank you, I will continue, as long as I have readers and supporters like you!
hummmmmm, speechless my dear friend. beautiful.
With such a simple truth, it is beautiful indeed to be speechless. Thank you dear friend for hummmmmmming the song of life into my ears and onto my heart. Thank you for bringing life onto the words.
Wow. What deep understanding you have. What deep sight you have. How beautiful and freeing death becomes through your words. I am less afraid now to face what is to come. I am less afraid of my own death and of the death of those around me. Thank you for giving me a shot of fearlessness and strength through your words.
Less afraid?! Yes, indeed, how can we be afraid of the cycle of life. The moon can not always reflect on the sea with life vests. The sun must come out to show us the waves. Thank you for giving me the strength to know the strength in my words which are only reflections of the glow of the moon on the sea and our every breath yours and mine connected to the spinning of the earth around the sun. Birth is beautiful. Death is beautiful. Life is beautiful.
so my dear, you continue to move and inspire
with love, Charrisse
Thank you dear friend for your words of confidence. How powerful to know you are moved and inspired. I find strength in your gentle words. It has been a while since I have heard the beep beep sound pass by me. This was always and will continue to always be a reminder of the beauty of friendship. Friendships that have taught me the meanings of life and death. Walks that have encompassed the realities of death and life. Thank you for those walks along the journey of life. So my dear….
Perspective on all who hold fear and contempt and even solace to death . Render it deep but never voice it afraid to see the truth that besets us all….one day
Thank you for this beautiful acknowledgement of Life and Death…. indeed one is the other and the other is here now.
InLight always, Bahareh. With gratitude for your truth and time.