At first thought it seems easy to write a poem about one’s mother
After all this is the person I have known since before birth
This is the person that has helped me come through the passage or canal of life
This is the person who has fed my body while singing lullaby to my soul
At first instance it is easy to recall the smell of mother’s bosom and mother’s breath
After all this is the person that has fed me and also read stories onto my heart
This is the person that held my hand as I crossed the small avenue of life
This is the person that believed I could even when I doubted each breath I took
At first instance mother is a word that needs no definition
unless you are one who lost mother at birth
After all there are those of us that are born into the world and our mothers die at birth
And then there are those of us whose mothers need to leave us on the steps of an orphanage
And of course there are those that had to give up the baby
with no will or want but just because of life
The exceptions are the ones that can probably write this poem better than I
The ones whose mothers did not want them, can best tell about the longing of a warm arm
The ones whose mothers had to leave with out a good bye,
but a passport that gives a name of child
are the ones that can best talk about wishing to wake up to a mother’s gentle touch and voice
The adopted are lucky because they are the chosen ones
and for them mother has an incredible music to their hearts
At first glance as a child, one knows what trust is, because one knows mother’s call
At first touch as an adult, one knows what loyalty is, because one sits by mother’s bed side
At last no matter if you were carried in a sac or in a golden bed
you have arrived into this world out of a womb
and that womb is the mother who held you when you were born
but even more so, it is the mother that holds you today even if you have committed every crime
Mother loves and heals hearts as she accepts truths others may never know as truth
These truths I know since I have been held by a mother
and I have held my babes as they traverse the scenery of this life
I love u khaleh Bahareh!
How lucky I am to float in your pure love…. yours and the angels and the LIGHT.