How does one allow oneself to write about Autism when one is not
From what I have read, watched and seen and heard I realize that it is a state of BEING
Being here and now and Present at times with TOO many thoughts around
Being here and now and Present and with NO ONE around
There are lots of people around it seems but not even one hears the space
I am grateful for all those young ones who have made videos of their life with Autism
I am thank ful for all the parents that talk about the diets and the vaccines
I know it is through educating that we start to learn and SEE and understand the unthinkable
I am not Autistic,but I have been on the bridge between mania and depression being pulled
Being pulled by the light side of me and the dark side of me
Somehow it seems autism is BEING on the bridge alone
I do not know if this is right or not
But I am only writing to say thank you for the awareness and thank you for the words that bring
Autism to Life
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