“I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish He didn’t trust me so much.” (Mother Teresa)
I remember meeting a lady about 3 years ago while watching our daughters swim
We shared a few niceties and then the question of how many children do you have came up
I noticed a small pause as she said three but my youngest has cerebral palsy
With out a breath or a thought I said, you must be loved and you must be special You were chosen
She looked at me with a beautiful smile and said that is the first time anyone has ever said that
The normal reaction is Oh I am sorry or not even knowing what to say.
I say there is a reason for every breath and
There is a reason for our eyes to see
There must then be a reason why bees go to the beehive to deposit honey
and not to the sewer to collect honey
For that very same reason there is a reason for children
that then become adults that have special needs
Some may believe that those children are here to learn something
I believe that we are here to learn something from each child
that comes to the world with special needs
These youngsters were in the womb of the universe for centuries before being born
They were in the womb of their mother while mother cradled hopes of running after a toddler
and watching their child fly a kite
The parents of children with special needs have special needs that need to be met by the rest of us
It might be a bowl of love at their doorstep every day
As mother takes teenage daughter to bathe
No longer an infant that is easy to handle
Now the weight of the daughter is more than mother can bear
But never the less, mother is mother
May it be in providing food that father helps or in cradling daughter after a nightmare
Both parents of the special needs children need to be treated with special care
I salute the state in which there is true equality for all
Where there are ramps going to mosques synagogues and churches
Candles may be lit as children dream of passing the torch of truth to us through their eyes
May I learn to hear the music between each and every wink of their eyes
Mothers and fathers I honor your courage and I am not sure if it is destiny or the laws of the universe that have made it so
With that I hold my breath for a moment just to feel what a day of a life other than mine might feel like
Again I will repeat the words of our saint Mother Theresa:
“I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish He didn’t trust me so much.”
Horses and Special Needs Children
A Poem on Down Syndrome and Sultan
A Treasure Hunt into the Heart of Special Needs Children at The Royal Stables
How beautiful
Thank you Dear Doris… it is the lives that enrich ours that are beautiful indeed.
Oh my god, i love this poem its so nice, I have a kid at home and it helped me alot.♥♥!!
Dear Dear Kim,
Thank you for this beautiful gift that could only be granted by a wonderful mother of a special child.
Wishing you lots of light on your path.
With blessings.