Today I would like to honor all those nurses around the world
who wear white on their shoulders and blood on their hands.
Today I would like to honor all those nurses around the world
that sit at the bedside of your mother and mine when we are too weak or busy.
Today I would like to honor all those nurses in all the little villages
that do not even have band aides to put on wounds but help heal with their being and words.
Today I would like to honor the beautiful souls
that mend hearts as doctors perform surgeries on arteries of hearts.

It is nurses that do all the “dirty” work and the doctors that get all the credit.
Please do not get me wrong, we need doctors to do their miracles,
but we need the wings of nurses who are angels in disguise.
I sit quietly while visiting a dear Amma in the hospital today
and I see the nurse come to check on the dripping liquid into her vein.
I smile she smiles
I know Amma is in the hands of God and Light
and also in the gentle hands of the nurse.

I thank all the nurses in the world, however far away or near by.
I call out on a loud-speaker among the clouds
for it is in the heavens that reside the space of all nurses all over the world.
I call out and say… THANK YOU….
Please know that even though you wear all white
you are SEEN and you are HEARD and you are NEEDED.
Thank you

A little back ground on the International Nurse’s Day.
According to Wikipedia;”The International Council of Nurses (ICN) has celebrated this day since 1965. In 1953 Dorothy Sutherland, an official with the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, had proposed that President Dwight D. Eisenhower proclaim a “Nurses Day,” but he did not approve it.
“In January 1974, the decision was made to celebrate the day on 12 May as it is the anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale, who is widely considered the founder of modern nursing. Each year, ICN prepares and distributes the International Nurses’ Day Kit. The kit contains educational and public information materials, for use by nurses everywhere.”

Blue tulip Painting by Hannah Sharghi
All other art work by nurses at New Medical Center Abu Dhabi
Happy Nurse Day to you too!
I’ ‘m volunteer nurse Greek Red Cross. I just shared your page, very beautiful emotional words!
I’m also volunteer artist, and I participate in an international artistic contest, If you want visit my page, and If you like vote me , just click on ‘collect me’ http://vivianthroes.artistswanted.org/atts2012
WATCH this video, http://www.youtube.com/user/ElaiasFos *a live art performance on youtube, with my sculpture ‘THE OLIVE TREE OF PEACE’ I sent a hopeful message to the World, for the Earth Day 2012.
As we celebrate soon the Mothters Day and millions of roses will be sold around the World, LOOK OUT! in this video, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOcyI3oWjZI&feature=relmfu I try to to inform and raise awareness in western countries for the consumption of water resources , in third world countries (Kenya, India Equator….) for growing roses. Thank you in advance, for your support!
best regards,
Vivi Rousakou.
Dear Vivi, dear friend and travel companion, I am so glad you like my thoughts on nurse’s day. I salute you and your BIG KIND HEART.
I visited your website and looked at your You Tube. You are doing incredible Healing work in the world.
Thank you for letting me feel the waves of your song and your art and your heart.
A pleausre indeed.