It is hard to find the place in my throat where a sound may come and I may say a few words.
On such days, as today, another 13, 19, or more die.
But on such a day, the children do not die of famine, disease or earthquake. They die of a fire inside a mall, inside a kindergarten that is supposed to be such a safe place to house your children for a few hours a day.
I try to not imagine the children as the smoke gets thicker and they can not reach for their no cell phones to let mommy know they are suffocating and gasping for air.
I try not to think about the sounds and the screams, but I hear them all so loud, the screams and the sounds.
I am a believer that there is a reason for everything in life, but for things like this I just remain in awe and I do not understand why.
I am truly touched by the firefighters who risk their lives to save others.
I am sure they knew well the depth of the smoke, and the unlikely chance of coming out alive, and yet they took their chances. One of the firefighters had two kids in his arms when he was found dead.
A few lines giving tribute.
If I were to give my life to fire, it would be to save a child
If you were to give your life to me, it would be to bring me out of the fire
If a firefighter puts on his gear
he is mentally and emotionally ready to give his or her life to save another
How many people do you know that would go to the fire of hell to save an angel
The firefighters truly deserve a bowl of love at their doorstep each day
With each footstep, they help us have hope for collecting ashes and brining life back to life
Thank you fire fighters for not fighting
but accepting the beauty of life and helping find a life among the ashes and the rebels
Touching hearts, healing hearts
The beauty of lost heartbeats when one knows it was in order to save another life
Article :Fire fighters tell stories of trying to save lives

Pictures courtesy of google image
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