It is October once again, and somehow everywhere I look there is pink.
Yes, it is Breast Cancer awareness Month.
Do I want to know how I can beat the odds and not be the one out of eight women with breast cancer.
Yes, I do want to know.
If there is a knowing really in this not game but tragedy facing women and all those around them each and every day.
When I was asked by some dear friends if I would recite poetry at their fund-raiser for Breast Cancer Research, I was touched.
I was touched by the reality of words touching hearts and also by cells becoming cancerous.
I instantly remembered how long it has been since my mammogram, and that of my mothers and yes, I have two daughters what will become of them.
Last year when an acquaintance of ours told me that she had to have a double mastectomy, I was left speechless. This person with the big house on the hill and fancy cars, all of a sudden became real to me. She became a sister, a cousin a friend and one whose pain I wanted to hold and share. I told her all this and she was so gracious in accepting my words.
I was amazed at how close this can be… this thing… this breast cancer… I must breathe in and breathe out and accept what can be mine.
For now, I start to consider the importance of education and monthly self exams, and yearly or mamograms…Awareness of our being of our bodies
Mother Earth Nursing Us
For today I sit a bit and I hold my being
I remember my mother nursing me
I recall nursing my daughters to life and health
I realize that our bodies are beautiful and sacred
The beauty is given the sacredness is to be respected and held
I hold those sisters in pain and I pray for rebirth of good cells
I sit and hold your being and watch the universe nurse you to health
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