How does one begin to sit with the news of the shooting at Sandy Hook School in Connecticut.
I am reminded of the times I have seen a child fall on the ground with a scratched up knee, and how my heart beats faster.
Now to think of children’s blood being shed and on the ground for no reason.
No war, no revolution, no revolts, no riots. Just a normal day going to school looking forward to being picked up in the afternoon by a mother, father, grandparent or any other warm body.
No warm bodies to be held that night, nor tonight for those at home waiting for their child
Teachers giving up their lives to save that of the children in their classroom hiding taking refuge for life.
As a poet I often see the world in colors and then I also see the world in Gray, today I see the world in blood shed for no reason at all and I ask the question of why. Why did the young man who first shot his mother and then the children and teachers have a gun? Why do people need guns in their homes? Why do we not trust and believe and enjoy safety of mind and heart and soul.
I question and question, but I do not have an answer at tall.
Here are some lines of reflection and Light.
I Light a Bees Wax Candle and Pray
I sit with my thoughts and those day dreams of the children now buried with their dreams still alive
I sit with the magnitude of loss when loss can not be measured but only felt
There is an Angel waiting to find her wings and another waiting for his flight
Children are precious
They give us hope for tomorrow and also reason for hope
The loss of a life is always sad
The loss of the life of a child is unspeakable
Today I light a bee’s wax candle for the children and teachers
Today I light this candle in remembering those left behind
Today has become night
And the candle still burns reminding me that their light will continue to shine
I think its totally uncool for some retarded guy to come into a school full of little kids and take his anger out on poor little kids because his life was totally F***ed up.
I hate that parents have to suffer the pain of admitting to them selves that thier kids are dead. I would do anything to make those parents and siblings feel better. I am aware that he also killed adults with kids and husbands. The fact that he did that totally makes me sick. I feel bad for those people i hope they feel better.
love and hope for all,
Izabelle Hudson
Dear friend, you are so right, there is no reason or explanation for what happened, I hope we never have to witness such a sad moment in all of our lives, all of us… such loss and disgrace. May we all be led by light to good dicisions that do not harm anyone. May our paths lead to love and light.