I Have A Dream Speak Poetry
I sit in silence
I sit in silence and in no prayer
I sit with my hands together
I sit not even knowing my name
Beyond the space where I sit I remember him
I remember the person that reminded us of the beauty of no colors
I remember the beauty of the King
It matters not if it is the first amendment or the last
The importance is the freedom of speech
Freedom to assemble
Freedom to be
I find that his words speak to me
As I search for the voice of all in the community
Through poetry
Through Light
Through Speak Poetry
The promise land for me is the paper and pen
The freedom is the freedom to write one’s feelings
The glory is the beauty of healing wounds
Somehow this feels like a birthday to me
Birth of realization that speaking poetry can free
Having a dream and speaking truth and healing wounds
Mercy and Light
A beautifully done feature on Martin Luther King was presented to me recently and I would like to share it with you. In light of MLK day approaching , the graphic chronicles Dr. King’s life and his personal achievements: http://www.onlinecollegecourses.com/life-of-mlk
You might also be interested in reading a blog on Martin Luther King:
Martin Luther King Day, Today I feel his DREAM in the UAE
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