I would like to dedicate this blog to each and every student that I met on my visit at the Emirates National School in Abu Dhabi. I would also like to thank each and every teacher and administrator that attended the workshop sessions. From the Arabic teacher to Mr. Paul who came from the boys campus… I wish I could mention each name of each student and teacher.Well guess what this is going to be a very unique blog in that it is going to be the comments and poetry from the students and teachers that will make up the essence of this blog.
Each student is given the opportunity to write the poem they wrote that day or any thoughts they would like to share. This will forever remain on my website as a treasure of the day we shared together. You may share your thoughts, or your poems in the Comment box below.
Here is a little back ground of how I came to visit your school……..
On January 15th I had one of the most memorable times of my life.
I was invited to speak about poetry and to do poetry workshops at the all girls school by an English teacher: Tamara Donnelly.
Tamara had read about my work in an article and contacted me via email. We planned for the half day of poetry late in 2012 and so it was on the calendar and ready to go when 2013 arrived. We had met 2 times briefly as our paths crossed at Cafe Arabia as she was coming to a book club meeting and I was part of a poetry therapy workshop. We connected and I was ready for my day. Thank you Tamara for this wonderful opportunity which I believe was a gift to me and the students.
I had truly the most beautiful time. From the early morning all school assembly which started with such grace and beauty. All the ladies were so interested as I stood on stage and spoke about poetry and the magic it has brought to my life. There were a total of about 200 students. You could hear a pin drop in the room, such interested and respectful beings in the room.
Now is the time that I would like to invite you all to share with me your poems. May it be about UAE or someone who had written to me their poem about their passion for Science.
You know that each poem will be read by me and I will be commenting on each…. I look forward to receiving your words and your light. Thanks again for the day and for the memories. Bahareh

This is one of the poems that was sent to me about the UAE from one of the students:
United emirates here we come
We reached Abu Dhabi and raised our thumb
We saw a sign which told us welcome
We ate tradition food which was awesome
I went to marina mall with a blossom
I rode home with a horse which had problem
Because he stuck his leg with a big plum
So we waited and waited till someone to come
Finally my mom woke me up and told me you are dumb
Because you were in a dream which was awesome
And here is another poem:
Everyday is science,
Even though you don’t see it;
When you talk, raise your hand or even sit.
Doing labs and experiments,
We are all having lots of fun!
Equipment to use,
And minds to fill.
Science is calling everyone,
But some listen and some ignore.
Science make up life,
Science is full of life,
In fact, science is life.
Science is “like diamonds in the sky”
When I enter the class,
Smelling the beautiful smell of new equipment,
I feel like smelling paradise.
I forgot to tell you,
Please go ahead and post your other poems in the Comment box below, I will be delighted to see the poems and let you know my thoughts.
You are also welcome to tell me your thoughts about the visit and the experience.
Thank you for this magical experience.
Emirati and Proud
By Shamma Al ameri
I’m in love with this beautiful land
I’m in love with its yellow sand
Going away from it makes me mad
Its lofty palm with its delicate date
Makes my heart beats so fast
I love this land from coast to coast
And I love its friendly people the most
I will say it to every body and out loud
I’m an Emirati and very proud
Absolutely wonderful.
I can feel your voice as you read this out loud.
Perhaps on a stage, or to yourself or to the desert and the sea.
Thank you so much for sharing it with me Shamma.
Look forward to reading more from you and your friends here on this blog: )
UAE: The Land of Peace
A poem by Alaa Muawia
I love the UAE
It’s the land of peace and tranquility
The land of freedom from strife,
the land of harmony and amity..
People from everywhere live together in pure harmony
And that’s what is special about the UAE
I love this dear land..
A place which once was only sand
The country that made everybody’s dreams come true
A place where everything is for you
People from all walks of life come here to stay
From lands so near and from lands far away
It is a beautiful land even seen from the sky
It is not only about the towers that are so high
It’s people are so humble, hospitable and kind
They welcome you, treat you with all gentleness and pride
For us, the children from all over the earth
The UAE is our second home… It is the country of our birth
Every day, I lift my head high and thank God for bring here
And would carry your flag proudly everywhere
With deep patriotism and loyalty
I love you UAE
All I can say is that your country is very proud of you and what you are able to feel and say. Thank you so much for sharing it with me. I am touched by your words and your presence.
Its raneem… remember me?
i am the girl who wrote a poem about science last year. i was in emirates national school.
i wrote another poem. can you please check for me?
You are beautifully and wonderfully made.
I want you toady to feel better about your self,
Don’t you grab that razor up that shelf.
Yesterday I watched that documentary about a boy,
Who’s his friends are in his life to annoy.
He stayed quiet for more than two years,
Going to bed everyday with eyes full of tears.
Let me tell you about their house,
In every room there is a mouse.
They had a kitchen that is full of rust,
And in every corner there is a pile of dust.
They never sat down and ate dinner together,
But I don’t think that will stay forever.
The boy Carl, had so many fights at school,
The students there were all too cruel.
They say he always acted gay,
He was under their sway.
His friends teased him till it came to an end,
Till he no longer had any good friend.
As the documentary was playing,
I saw his family praying.
May god bless his soul,
With god’s mercy into heaven he goes.
What did the kids do to my little boy,
In comes depression and there goes my joy.
I couldn’t stand seeing my baby hanging,
His face had become blue, and no I am not bragging.
His sibling’s eyes are now full of tears,
To them, his room now is full of fears.
Extreme home addition is now on their way,
They are going to change their lives within a day.
We are going to build a new house they say,
Kiss your house goodbye; today is your last day.
The two sisters met the Kardashians and Demi Lovato,
Who’s “staying strong” is her favorite motto.
Lovato taught us to know how much we are all worthy of life,
And not go sneaking to the bathroom with a clasp knife.
Demi had also suffered with bullying in the past years,
She still has scars that still didn’t disappear.
The walker family is strong and tough,
What they’ve been through was clearly enough.
I think that this story should be told,
I actually heard it for three times now, never gets old!
As they entered their new house,
It no longer smelled like cows.
There was a sun on the roof,
That avoids the family from feeling Ruth.
Life is beautiful, and you are worthy of it,
Go follow your dreams, and don’t you just sit.
This teaches us not to care of what others think,
Many people are committing suicide within a blink.
Bullying isn’t a good thing to do you know,
Some people need to make up their minds and grow.
Remember you are worth the love and respect,
Do not make a choice that you might regret.
thank you so much.
Dearest Raneem,
Hello, of course I remember you, your words, your voice.
How deep is this call you write about.
How unspoken are the wounds that will mend but never heal, never go aways.
I am touched by your sensitivity, your vision, your heart.
You are right “don’t grab that razor”
“I saw his family praying”
“his face had become blue”
“I think that story should be told”
“Life is beautiful and you are worthy of it”
I mirror back to you love and respect and I say, thank you for giving words and voice to wounds that never speak.
May the healing begin, and the cutting end.
Thank you so much for sharing this with me.
I am honored.
Awwh thank you! You really should visit the glenelg school of Abu Dhabi.. It would be truly amazing.