A couple of months ago, I got a most beautiful email from my niece Kira. She is actually the daughter of a very close friend. Somehow Kira and I have had a bond since the very beginning of our meeting. I always enjoyed our family visits but it was the time I had with her and of course her wonderful younger brother that I cherished.
You see, actually, a few things that were so unique, one is that there is an apple story I like to tell, to children, adolescents adults, to kids in hospitals and people in the cafe, I had told this story to Kira one day. I always need an apple and a knife. And so one day when she was shopping with her mother ( my close friend) Kira had come to her with a beautiful small yellow knife and asked if she could buy it. Her mother surprised had asked why, and Kira had said for Bahareh’s apple story: )
Another place we bonded is when we were going to make a video of one of my poems. The producer asked if I knew any little girls with life and energy and there was only ONE name that came to mind. The video is a great one and it is Kira who saved the day. You can watch it here: Stop Me From Jumping Over the Bridge of Life with One Word
So as I was saying, I had an email from Kira asking me if she could do a school project on me! I was surprised, honored, touched…. and I said sure of course, what can I do.
She then proceeded to send me a few emails and ask me detailed questions. I could tell that she had done her research, she had read the bio on the website, and also the articles written and then she came up with new questions I loved it.
Here is the beautiful result of it all…. I am truly humbled by the depth and breath of this “assignment of a middle schooler”.
Here is the Biography written by Kira about me:
Baherah Amidi says “I hope to even reach the United Nations and present my views on as many topics as possible… I’m sure I’ll get there, I just need to continue focusing on raising awareness about my work until the time is right,” (http://gulfnews.com/life-style/people/when-the-muse-comes-calling-1.928515) This quote shows that Bahareh is a very strong, persistent women who can achieve her goals as long as she looks to the future. A lot of her poetry is very strong with a lot of figurative language. In her poetry she makes small things seem bigger, normal people seem extraordinary, big things bigger, and amazing people more amazing! She makes people feel good about themselves and the world; this is going to get her to her biggest dream.
Baherah was born March 21, 1967, the first day of spring. Her name Barerah means “Spring” in Farsi!
She started writing poetry about 3 years ago. She has over 50 journals filled with poems (she says “I feel it has all been brewing in me.”). She was inspired at a concert of traditional Iranian musicians. She just started writing and didn’t stop until the music came to a complete stop. This is the exact moment she realized she was a poet and didn’t stop until 2 hours later (20 journals full later). She has written
Baherah is just one of those people that just “go with the flow”. She is very passionate about her work and writings. She says that she loves being in front of an audience and capturing them in a sea of poetry to see the expressions on their faces change and she always has a little notebook to carry around with her where ever she goes. She says that poetry gives a voice to the people whose voices aren’t always heard. Poetry is not only a Band-Aid but may also help heal the heart and soul from wounds.
I loved learning about Bahearh because I used to know her, we had her over to our house, she had us over to her house, it was a perfect relationship. She has helped me see the world through different eyes. Through poetry’s eyes.
There were several different parts to this “Assignment”, Kira had also enclosed my Poem “Stop Me From Jumping Over The Bridge of Life With One Word” :
This story all began in search of the one word that would make one not fall even if they jump
The one word must not differentiate between class and color
We are flying over a sea, which holds millions and millions of lives
of people who have jumped over the Bridge of life
Does the sea carry the one word or is the sea the one word I seek
So we go back once again to the one word which would save a life at any time if in despair
The healing word which rescues a wounded heart and an empty soul
Do you know what this word could be
Yes indeed now I do have a sense
that there would be a truth in the word that gives hope and vision
That makes one forget the past and look ahead
With one instantaneous decision one is making all the past disappear
but even more so all the future to never appear
If there was a person on a bridge trying to rid themselves of the realities of life
what would be the one word you would say
A word that would encompass Past Now and Future
A word that would mean hope without saying hope
A word that says look ahead and looking forward
A word with stability and no vulnerability
Yes the word is all encompassing of what is light and bright to come
The word is
Then there was a critique of my poem, this I LOVE…..
This poem is free verse, as you can tell. There is no particular order in which she writes her poem. There is no rhyming, but if you read it you get the sense that there is a little hint of rhythm. I do not see any alliteration or assonance.
The whole poem sets the mood of standing up for yourself, for others, too. I love this poem; it makes me feel like I can do anything as long as I keep in mind that there is always tomorrow. Tomorrow gives us light, tomorrow gives us hope, and tomorrow gives us something to look forward to. Personally this poem means a lot to me because I always need something to look forward to, and now I do… TOMORROW.
And then the beautiful poem that Kira has written:
By: Kira in the style of “Stop me from jumping off the bridge of Life with ONE WORD” by Baherah Amidi
Think before you do
Once you do it you can’t hit the undo button,
Your decision was made, whether you like it or not
You will have to live with the mind shaking thoughts
Of what you once did
It shadows over you, as you must think
Of how, why, or what got the best of you.
It lives in your soul, at the bottom of a pit
The memory of what you once did
People around look in disgust
You now are under stress
You cannot think
More mistakes will come
One after the other, leading to
The thing you once did
Now just remember
What your parents told you
When you were younger
About thinking before you do
You never know how it will help
Until you really need it.
To erase the memory of the thing you once did
I would like to thank Kira for this honor. I will cherish this “assignment” for ever, more so I will cherish your kindness and wisdom and giving heart.
With all my heart and always and always…..
Auntie Bahareh
What a beautiful story! I so enjoyed reading Kira’s thoughts and poetry.
Kira captured my feelings of you (Bahareh) perfectly when she wrote, “In her poetry she makes small things seem bigger, normal people seem extraordinary, big things bigger, and amazing people more amazing! She makes people feel good about themselves and the world; this is going to get her to her biggest dream.”
Children are our hope for “tomorrow.” Somehow I believe Kira will follow in her auntie’s footsteps! 🙂
Thank you for sharing a piece of Kira and her beautiful heart.
Dear Lorelei…. indeed, looking into Kira’s eyes does give a clear picture of HOPE and “Tomorrow”. I hope I am able to see some of the visions she sees and tells me about. There is so much to learn from this mentor and guide.
Thank you for taking the time and thank you for mirroring Kira’s words so beautifully.
Blessed to be surrounded by hearts like yours and hers.
I just looked at my assingment on your website. Thank you so much it means the best to me that you would do this and share our adventures.
Love You Always,
Ahhhh my dear dear niece Kira, I am the one who has to thank you. I am truly touched by your wisdom and giving heart.
I wish you all the best always. May we share many many more experiences in life together. We have a lot to share and teach each other: )
With love and InLight
Dear Bahareh,
After reading Kira’s ‘assignment’ and her interpretation of your poem, I played the video again to watch over the poet’s endeavor in seeking the ‘one word’. The poem is like a journey which reminds us of Buddha’s search for Enlightenment or Alexander’s adventures to find the fountain of life.
Kira’s mature and sophisticated approach to concepts which are traditionally considered beyond her age, testify to her brilliance and divine talent. Having selected a great mentor and guide such as Bahareh, she will certainly have a bright future.
Dear Mahmoud,
Thank you so much for your kind words. Indeed you are right, Kira is a child who is well beyond her years.
But perhaps we all are when we come to life and then the webs we build around us start to taint our sight and clear vision.
I am so delighted to hear your comparison of the ‘one word’ to Buddha’s search and also Alexander’s adventure. Indeed it has all been a journey, a journey to light to self to life.
We are certainly all guides to each other,Kira to me, I to her you to me.
May we be able to sip at this beautiful fountain of life, sip and breathe and live life harmoniously.
As you mention Buddha’s search, I am reminded of a poem “The Angel Who Lost His Wings” are you familiar with this poem?
Best and InLight. Bahareh
My dearest B-
It has taken me a while to adequately respond to the post with Kira’s work. I was immediately inundated with emotions– well who would not be– she is my child! But given some time to think, here’s what I come away with– to steal from Yeats ( not properly quoted) Education is not the filing of a pail but the lighting of a fire. There are very few people that actually light a fire for our younger generation. You do this for Kira. Kids are tougher than adults. They see thru BS– they do not need words like transparency, governance, meritocracy– they just know who is real and honest and who is not. Thanks for being such a great role model and aunt and friend to Kira ( not to mention me). You are an incredible EDUCATOR for people of all ages remembering that education is what you retain once you forget everything you learned in school!
Dearest Sarah,
How timely to receive this message from you as I sit at night reflecting on my days work at the Institute for Poetic Medicine. All I remember about the day is the realness of the people and the lessons learned are only felt. I feel Kira taught me so much and I feel she will continue to teach me through the years. Thank you for SEING us and our relationship as aunt and niece and student and teacher, at times I teacher and at times SHE.
You have been instrumental on this path, I am blessed with your Being.
May I continue to educate myself and be able to be a travel companion to those young ones and old ones on the path and journey of life. After all isn’t life but one big lesson.