Dear Dear Friends Travel Companions,
Hello, hope you are all well. Summer has come and gone and we are all settling back into our routines.
Some of us are finding new routines. As the hot days of Abu Dhabi turn to warm and as the leaves will not be changing colors, I am reminded of fall.
It was last fall that my teacher John Fox visited Abu Dhabi. It was an incredible learning experience for me and all those that were able to meet him and be in his company through talks seminars and actual poetry therapy sessions.
Hana Makki was able to capture some of those moments on a wonderful short video, I would like to present to you here today. The delicate moments of sharing feelings through words and even through spaces and pauses. Special thanks to Hana for filming and producing such a touching testimonial of my teacher’s visit to Abu Dhabi.
Poetry Therapy with John Fox and Bahareh Amidi in Abu Dhabi
I find there is a season for everything, and at this threshold of my journey, I have found a rock and I am listening to the colors of the world…. through my eyes and through play with color.
Let us see how the seasons unfold, as I continue my studies at The Institute for Poetic Medicine and focus on this breath, I continue learn and to cherish the gifts of poetry as healer.
May each day of your life be filled with Light
Truly and
By the way the painting you see above is one of my first ever paintings, done by hand ( literarily by hand), it is called BE NOOR (Be Light) as a friend noted, it looks like the crack is where the light enters.
My friend’s 1st hand painted light on canvas! Bless your works Bahareh my dear! I know this is just the beginning of many to come, well-done! I love it!
Thank you dear dear Seble for all your love and light always on this journey of life. Blessed to have you as a travel companion.
Always. Bahareh
A couple of years ago, when I read about Bahareh Amidi and her ‘Poetry Therapy’ in Gulf News, I suddenly realized that a new interdisciplinary science or practice had been devised; a discipline between psychology and literature. When I studied more about this practice and practitioner, I bowed to the ingenuity and dedication behind this endeavor.
Being an operator in finance industry, I know very little about psychology; but if you grow up and live in a country with so many complicated psychological wonders – as i have, you will earn so much hands-on experiences without any academic education. In my country, concealing your submerged ‘self’ is considered a virtue. This hidden ‘ego is an inherent part of people in the middle east, and its disclosure and release might lead to tremendous results.
As evidenced by her poems, Bahareh is trying to extract light from darkness and emptiness. Light is flowing and rippling in all her poems – and recently in her paintings. She is also highly religious. Her poetic and elaborate report of the recent pilgrimage to the holy land of Palestine is a religious as well as humanitarian account.
Bahareh’s strong desire and preference for Light – as evidenced by her poems, speeches and painting – can be explained by the fact that as an American-Iranian, we can imagine that she is influenced by the sanctity of light in all sacred scriptures respected in these two countries that are: the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Quran and the Zoroastrian tradition of worshipping Light and Fire. In the very beginning of the Genesis we read: And God said:’ Let there be light. And there was light’. There are many verses in the Quran too, promising the believers to take them ‘men zolamat elal noor’. From darkness to Light.
Amidi is fascinated by the magic of Words and uses their charm to reach to the soul of her audience. We have read that: ‘In the beginning there was the Word, and the word was with God’ (John 1). The Word is sacred and poetry is the most divine implication of the Word. That’s why the Quran is composed of all rhymed rhythmic verses. Bahareh also uses this heavenly medium to heal the spirits of those who need her.
I have never visited Bahareh Amidi or attended her workshops . Therefore, I can’t judge how successful these meetings been and to what extent the achievements are satisfactory. Theoretically, here in the Emirates, language must be an obstacle. If workshops are held in English for non-English speakers, most participants will not feel comfortable using a foreign – or even second language for such a purpose. But there is one thing for sure. Poetry Therapy will flourish soon in all countries in the region.
Dear Jamshid,
Hello, and light on your words. Thank you for the in depth writing on my work through poetry and poetry therapy.
I am indeed touched by this healing of words touching wounds and wounds finding light and voice in order to heal.
I love the beautiful connections you have found through religion and Light.
I look forward to seeing the growth of poetry therapy in the world and yes as you mention in this region. Poetry is indeed a form of connection and release that is like second nature for us, all we need to do is to let our walls down, open the windows and let the light shine in and then also shine out.
With Gratitude for your time and special words.
Truly and always