It was the biggest honor of my life to be able to recite a poem for Nelson Mandela’s Memorial Service in Abu Dhabi today.
If I were to take you with me on this wonderful journey of an hour-long in Abu Dhabi celebrating the Life of Nelson Mandela, I would start with a DEEP BREATH, for it is a feeling that I hope to be able to put in a capsule for myself. From time to time I might want to take this capsule and hope that the energy and light and emotions will last for years. To be in a space filled with souls who had come together from ALL over the world, regardless of color, religion or race, regardless of gender and sex, all under one roof to celebrate the only burning candle in the room.
This candle Madiba is one that will burn for an eternity, it is not a tearless candle, but indeed one that allows emotions, it is a wax that is to be molded in shapes and colors to fit everywhere anytime.
The space and the time stood still for that one hour as Ambassadors, Representatives, and Chairmen spoke, and also infant cried. TIme stood still as hymns were sung. Every one raised and we all sat in unison. The hymns celebrated LIFE with no color no religion, simply ETERNAL BEING. The music that came from the voices and sounds from the depth of those whose mother land is South Africa celebrated life.
There was a minute of Silence in the beginning, might I tell you that moment felt like a life time, and it just made me think of the hours days, months, years of solitude in silence where the candle burned in Mandela to make him the person he was.
When his Excellency Ruben E. Caro, Ambassador of Argentina spoke and recognized Mandela, at the end he said a round of applause, the whole congregation stood, but it felt somehow that the whole universe stood and applauded the life of Madiba… no one could stop, no one wanted to stop, those vibrations will carry on in my being for ever.
I would like to thank the Embassy of South Africa and His Excellency Ambassador MK Lekgoro and the wonderful organizers for asking me to recite the poem at the event. I would also thank the brothers and sisters that held me and said I was from South Africa. I feel I am a child of the Universe, so indeed, I am touched.
I would also like to thank my dear Brother Farrukh Naeem, who planted the seed of this idea of reciting a poem at Madiba’s service and my sister Linda Hollier for watering that seed. Gratitude for your belief in me and my words.
You can find the video of the poem here …. Remembering the Smile of Nelson Mandela our Madiba
This beautiful video was taken by my South African Sister Linda Hollier. For those that have been concerned about the empty chairs, they were held for dignitaries that arrived a bit late and had to stand with hundreds of others in the back of the gathering.
The event was also covered by papers and news channels one of which did a brief interview with me. Mr. Mohammed Sl Neyadi did a beautiful job capturing the feel of the entire event. The National coverage of Nelson Mandela Memorial
Remembering the Smile of Madiba…
What does one begin to say about a person
who broke so many barriers so many walls
Nelson Mandela to me represents a human being
Neither man nor woman; but both
Neither black nor white; but both
A person of religion but more so a person of spirit and truth
I can and have written volumes of verses about such a person
But if I had to summarize Mandela’s life teachings for myself or
for someone who may have landed in this gathering from Mars today
That message would be
Smile with your heart
For in that smile
the heart sees no color, recognizes no walls, and hears no inequality
Apartheid was not, is not a thing of the past
It is here among us today
May we on this day of remembrance
Open our hearts to no stars, crosses, or crescents
May we recognize all who live at home as king or queen
regardless of the person sleeping on the king bed
or washing those sheets
Each sheet of blank paper we see each day
A reminder that it is us, it is I who will write the history of this tale
As Nelson Mandela would say
not to omit the dark spots of one’s life
But only to learn from each breath
Perhaps it is in recognizing the decades of solitude and walls
that I truly begin to see the Light in today’s memorial
Remembering Mandela could see the other side
May we see the other side of the coin
as we drive by a worker whose name may resemble his
Dignity does not arrive in a suit and tie, nor a fancy car
Dignity and honor arrive with a simple Heart Felt SMILE
- Madiba’s Memorial Program

What an honor to be able to sign Nelson Mandela’s Book along with the hundreds of other people who had come to the service.

I wrote
In Memory of the Great Nelson Mandela-
May I one day walk in your footsteps
in Peace no Color and Love
Your Light on my Path

Nelson Mandela our own Madiba is no more with us but the memories of his brave sruggle and his great vision shall always remain with us.
Yes, indeed dear Fakhrul Hasan Anjum, his memories, his legacies, and his teachings will be with us for ever and ever. With Gratitude. Bahareh
Enjoyed your recitation of your poem at the Memorial Service for Nelson Mandela. You have a gift that touches the hearts and souls of all who are fortunate enough to hear your passionate words. I was blessed to have heard your poem. Peace and blessings.
Dear Brian, I am touched, and I humbled by your essence and your words. There is a Persian saying that says “When it comes from the heart, it goes to the heart”. When speaking about such nobleness, it is so easy to speak from the heart. Thank you for opening you heart to receive. I am honored to have had your listening heart. Truly and InLight Bahareh
Kudos my friend! RIP Madiba!
Dearest Seble…… How blessed we are to have walked the same Universe at the same time as this Great Man….. Indeed RIP
Dearest Bahareh,
In your smile you carry Madiba’s light. In your words you open our hearts. Your sharing, courage, and humility reminding us to carry forward Nelson Mandela’s beautiful legacy. Thank you. Cathey
Dearest Cathey,
Thank you for these kind words that go straight to the heart.
May we all carry forth. Thank you for being a travel companion on this journey of life.
With Light and Gratitude
Dearest Bahareh,
How beautiful. How moving. How tender. How strong.
You are the carrier of the torch of enlightenment for a new generation.
You are the light that shines in the darkness of the day.
I love you. I am so honored to know you.
Carry on. Carry on. Carry on, Bahareh–the poetess of light.
Dearest Raz,
How wonderful to feel your breath here on my words.
How wonderful to have had your guiding light on this journey.
It is beautiful to hold a mirror to those like he.
It was indeed an honor and I hope to carry the light beyond.
With Light always,
Dear Bahareh,
Many thanks for sharing your very humble and emotional poem about Nelson Mandela. Your kind words express what Madiba means to many of us. I was lucky enough to cover his visit to the American University in Sharjah many years ago. His presence radiated peace and harmony. An unbelievable aura of positivism around him. Not something that you would experience often.
Thanks very much for your lovely poem. Richard
Dear Richard,
How wonderful that you were in the presence of such a soul.
I do believe that this is the kind of existence we are all meant to live.
In shedding light and seeing light are we able to attain more light.
Thank you for sharing your experience.
Gratitude for your kind words.
I am accepting your kindness with great humility.
Truly and always