I was walking in our neighborhood the other afternoon, running a few errands and taking in the sights and sounds of the universe as I sometimes do. There, that is when I saw someone sitting in the window, leaning over and doing something, I looked closer, and was amazed at what I saw. And of course I went in and said hello. A young man sitting in the window of a flower shop in Khalidiyah in Abu Dhabi with his pen in hand and working on the most detailed piece of art I have ever seen. It was amazing, the horse spoke to me, it actually did. The soft eyes, the gentle nose, the whispers I could hear.
The very amazing thing was that the details were just unbelievable, as if a series of dots, and lines and hand motions that make a mark… and then all of it together make an incredible art piece. I started speaking to the young man whose name I find is Elmer Ducay, he said he works in the flower shop and on his spare time picks up a pen and his paper and makes art. He gently told me there are others, as he started to flip the pages of his notebook. I stood amazed with my jaw on the floor. In awe of such beauty and also in awe of such dignity and humility of the artist.
Here are a few of Elmer’s Pen and Ink drawings, look closely, these are dots, and tiny lines that make up the nest for the chicks to grow in.
Elmer was kind enough to gift me this beautiful creature that now graces our home.
The beautiful gentle eyed horse
was gifted to me by the artist
and sits alongside me where I sit each day
Yes, even our cat Saffron is drawn to the beauty of this creature
The beauty of Flight and also the Beauty of Nature
I asked him where he shows his art, he said, he does not really, he just does his art on the side when he gets a break from his work. He said he does not show it anywhere. Elmer then told me he paints as well and asked if I would like to see a few of his pieces. I was delighted at this offer. He then disappeared to an upstairs space and came back with one, then another , then another magnificent piece. The incredible thing for me was the variety. I mean of subjects, but also of styles and strokes.
These lilies speak to me on so many levels so many voices.

Elmer told me he had never taken any art classes, and has always done it because he enjoys it, that evidently shines through his soul filled colors and textures and also each stroke of pen and ink.
A few more of his Paintings with the theme of the region:
The warmth of the desert air fills one’s hearts when the date is picked on time and the artist finds flight
Elmer’s wild horses. The sheer size of this piece and its colors, textures and elegance made me sit down for a while to take in with all my senses.
I must note that Elmer has all these paintings tucked away, since he does not have a place to display them. He showed me where he paints in the attic of the flower shop during his lunch breaks. Truly an artist at heart whose soul is fed by his work and whose art can feed the soul of others.
Here are a few other examples of Elmer’s work. Of course, no surprise bouquet’s of flowers:
The Harvest:
Other Shades of Lilies, like many shades of Life
I know that one day there will be hundreds of people in line waiting to get a glimpse of this not yet known artist in the window, the window of his gallery, the window of his soul.
For now I have found a new friend around the corner, any time my soul needs some food of color, texture and aromas seen in the eyes of the artist in the window I pass by to say hello.
Our home has been graced with one of Elmer’s Painting’s as well.
How fortunate I am for the gift of friendship and of the gift of art of the friend ELMER DUCAY.
f you would like to learn more about the artist and his work, you may contact him at:
Elmer Ducay Email: elmerducay977@yahoo.com
Phone number: +971509043611
If you are walking around in Khalidiyah, look in the window shops, yes into a flower window shop and you might find Elmer working on his next creation.
You just did the work of light!
As usual you give light and brought the hidden talent to light!
My dear, Stay shining bright!
What a breakthrough shall your blog be to Elmer, God bless him!
You just got him revealed sheding your light!
I hope he shall egnite!
To share his own colorful light!
My Dearest Travel Companion and friend,
Hello,thank you for seeing his colors.
It is certainly nothing but the divine working through him.
The breakthrough comes through eyes like yours that SEE Light.
Elmer Ducay is a wonderful artist, how fortunate I am to have met him on this journey.
With deep gratitude,
hello bahareh, hope this message finds you will, thanks for your time to make our story, truly your a great poetress that inspires the souls of othres. i pray that GOD will continue BLESS you to give life to others .thanks for the friendship that we have.
Dearest Elmer,
Thank you for sharing your GIFT with me, the gift of your colors, strokes and each mark on paper and canvas.
I am truly blessed by your friendship.
Deep gratitude for you kind words and prayers.
Truly yours
So proud of my brother this is just the beginning of your journey as an artist.
Dear Bambie,
Hello, yes you are so right, he is just to be discovered by the world
And his colors will SHINE shine and SHINE.
thanks a lot sis. hope too.
Dear Bahareh,
Thank you for sharing with us the beauty of this encounter: two artists meeting each other and sharing their gifts might be a coincidence but I also think that your shining light identifies itself with others similar to it.
Hope you and all your family are doing well. My best regards!
Dearest Gina,
Thank you, it is these simple beautiful encounters of life that make the sun shine each and every day.
Thank you for shedding Light on my journey with your Presence.
Best for you and yours,
Dearest Bahareh,
I love how you just make connections of light and love wherever you go inside and out.
I especially love his pen and ink works, they are deep and profound.
I love you Bahareh and am honored to witness the world through your enlightened eyes.
Thank you dear friend, and guide and travel companion,
On so many paths you have held the light
On so many paths you have lead the way
On so many paths you have held a mirror
Thank you for listening to the stories until I knew they were worth sharing
The beauty of connections in