Books & Business (B&B) is an education-rich community designed to get you back in alignment, implement a proven (and customized) strategic business map, and fast-track your vision toward a healthier, more profitable, fulfilling and impactful business.
Strategic Maximizer Amber Vilhauer has developed a truly rich curriculum for business owners out of her 17 years of helping thousands of entrepreneurs around the globe to establish an engaged following of qualified buyers, and get them to be long-time ambassadors of the brand.
It was an honor to have a Poetry Therapy Workshop during this in credible event. I was in awe of the incredible genuine selves that appeared to write, share and listen. It is in truly accepting one’s own self, through one’s own words, and one’s own voice that healing happens.
Such grace int he unveiling and also in the witnessing of such beautiful events of the heart and soul. Thank you to Amber Vilhauer for the invitation and for the trust.
Here are a few of the testimonials from that event:
As for the writing experience – I LOVED it. I was an instant fan of your work in November and this past week was no different. I love the guided process that opens up our intuition and calls us to put words on paper! I found it liberating to write what I did. This past week in Austin served as confirmation of the value of me stepping into my personal power and purpose. You were a BIG part of that experience and for that I am immensely grateful! Tammy Delaney-Plugowsky, BScN, MA Leadership, CPC, ACC
I had the blessing of being present for Bahareh’s “Your Words Your Voice” session at B&B in April and was gifted a journey I had not planned for. The way this process works, awakens your soul little by little as each mirroring action unfolds. You really see and witness your partner. And low and behold, you become “seen” and witnessed by them. This action alone, opens your heart in a way that is more than human…it is spiritual. It is and will be the connective tissue for showing this modality to the world. It is gentle and evokes trust, which is key for unlocking the heart.
Thank you for your gift Bahareh. It is the light that guides us home.
What a delight it was to see your message pop up in my inbox!
Instantly, all of the memories I have of last week and of you WASHED over me and gave me a sense of PEACE and belonging!
Last week was a breakthrough week for me, my business, and my LIFE.
I learned more about myself in two days, then I have learned in 42 years of being on this earth.
You, Bahareh, are a shining light in the midst of ALL darkness. The way that you pour your soul into everything you do is inspiring.
I cannot WAIT to meet you again and connect.
Your session was one of the most memorable sessions of the week. I had never thought of a blank piece of paper being so POWERFUL!
When I first started the activity with the blank piece of paper, I thought to myself, “I have NO idea what to put on it!” “I am going to sound so foolish!”
Then the pen touched the paper and it was MAGICAL! Though short, it was POWERFUL.
I can’t begin to thank you enough for what YOU did for me last week.
I hope you are doing well and that we can connect soon!
Rusty Shields ……….owner of Develefy Consulting.
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