Here we are at the onset of another year. As always there are those of us that start thinking of New Year Resolutions. There were times that I with the help of one of my older brothers Hamid, who passed away 23 years ago, used to make resolutions each year. Hamid (God rest his … [Read more...] about New Year Resolution 2013 Mind Soul and Body
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Teacher: John Fox, Student: Bahareh, Lesson: Poetry Therapy
The great fortune of having a teacher on one's path. I think it is true what they say when the student is ready the teacher appears. That has been the case for me all my life as I have come across really wonderful teachers in my life. I had the great honor of having my teacher … [Read more...] about Teacher: John Fox, Student: Bahareh, Lesson: Poetry Therapy
School Shooting at Sandy Hook Connecticut: Poem: Children, Teachers ,Guns,Lives and Deaths
How does one begin to sit with the news of the shooting at Sandy Hook School in Connecticut. I am reminded of the times I have seen a child fall on the ground with a scratched up knee, and how my heart beats faster. Now to think of children's blood being shed and on the … [Read more...] about School Shooting at Sandy Hook Connecticut: Poem: Children, Teachers ,Guns,Lives and Deaths
Poetry Therapy with John Fox at Cafe Arabia
Come to Cafe Arabia to hear John Fox, CPT speak on the healing power of poetry and how it can help you * gain insight and express caring * celebrate and affirm your blessings * cope better with losses and change * build community and find more meaning John Fox will … [Read more...] about Poetry Therapy with John Fox at Cafe Arabia
Writing Poems as Stress-Relief and a Bridge to Possibility – with John Fox at Tamakkan
TAMAKKAN PRESENTS- OPTIMISING ENTREPRENEUR PERFORMANCE IN 2013: WELLNESS OF MIND, BODY AND SOUL December 9 | 6-8 pm | Al Mamoura Auditorium, Abu Dhabi | Free seminar PROGRAMME INCLUDES: JOHN FOX, Renowned American poetry therapist and founder of the Institute of … [Read more...] about Writing Poems as Stress-Relief and a Bridge to Possibility – with John Fox at Tamakkan